Water Issues
updated 08/23/2015
The Orange River: Not What The Golden River Website Had In
...when photographing an earlier version of the recently
contaminated Animas River and putting it on the front page
Here are excellent photos of the Gold King Mine
wastewater spill:
Here is an excellent introduction to this kind of mining
related water pollution:
Excerpt: Acid mine drainage is one of mining's most serious
threats to water. A mine draining acid can devastate rivers, streams, and aquatic life for
hundreds, and under the "right" conditions, thousands of years. ...acid mine drainage can have
severe impacts on fish, animals and plants. Many impacted streams have a pH of 4 or lower --
similar to battery acid.
See more at:
Toxic Effluvia From Gold King Mine north of Silverton, Colorado Spilled into Local Water Drainages
Mine waste has been a concern for decades in terms of local water supply. I remember a man I went
hiking with up there telling me he had no trust in the local water supply in Durango and that it was best
to use filtered water; he said the water was contaminated from mine waste pollution. This was back
around 1994 or 1995.
Some questions that come to mind over the EPA connection to this disaster are:
Why is a regulating agency like the EPA personally handling a cleanup? In my ignorance, I have to ask if
this is normal. Shouldn’t such an agency keep its distance (and objectivity) by having local area
companies and groups handle the actual hands on cleanup work? Even if contracting with a local
cleanup crew, the fact they are directly involved seems suspicious and that it would be more prudent to
have regulatory overseers and advisers stay on one side of the legalities in enforcement of
environmental standards, with workers and implementers on the other side.
How about using self-contained holding tanks to suck up contaminated mine water rather than earth or
rock dams? How about using robots to check out tunnels for unsuspected water levels and vacuums to
suck out water into holding tanks? How about drying out the watery areas and dealing with the
contaminants as dry substances - it might make it easier to deal with. If the toxins had been kept in a
controlled area, transformation or alleviation of toxicity might have been possible. By having the stew
spread across the land below, it is impossible to deal with effectively. It should be a primary objective to
keep the toxified material in highly controlled areas with backup plans for mishaps part of the strategy
for reparation.
The EPA Is Polluting Our Rivers: Where’s The Outrage?
Why wasn’t there better planning and foresight? Why does the event feel like a bunch of bulls
(bulldozers) in a china closet? Backup plans for unforeseen flow (runaway flows) seems necessary. The
reliance on a soil based dam to hold in the noxious substances comes across as unprofessional; what if
there had been a serious rain storm rather than an unsuspected amount of water in the mine tunnels
that had caused the problem? Preparation in advance for possible flow mishaps seems to be prudent.
We can’t fix the problem after the fact, but perhaps there is a use for this information in future mine
water reparation projects. In addition, perhaps this lack of preparatory professionalism is a red flag
that something is amiss with the EPA itself and locals working with it.
1. The STEW: That toxic mess had been stewing together for years. Started to be dumped in 1920s or
before. Contents of contaminated water: Lead, Iron, Cadmium, Copper, Arsenic and more. Unique stew
reactants and reaction causal agents. The stew includes a mix of the chemicals themselves and other
things. Probably not just the originally mine discharged chemicals are the problem but includes later
modified materials. On top of this there might be pond-like bacteria, viruses and algae. Although
unlikely after all this time of being closed, we can ask if any other materials on hand at the mine are in
the stew - for example old machinery oils, fecal matter from toilet areas that never dried out, etc.
2. Bacteria, viruses and algae.
3. Bioaccumulation. Common sense: any time any pond-like body of water lays stagnant for a period of
time, organisms deleterious to human life might develop.
Excerpt from Wildlife Utah:
Scientists once thought the brine layer in the lake effectively sequestered heavy metals. More recent
studies on mercury and selenium concentrations show that the exact opposite could be happening—the
chemistry of the lake is actually converting, or methylating, the mercury and thus making it available
for absorption into algae and microorganisms. Brine shrimp feed on algae and incorporate heavy metals
into their fatty acids. When the birds eat brine shrimp, they accumulate even more heavy metals in
their system. This process is known as bioaccumulation and can be highly toxic for birds and other
animals higher up in the food chain, including humans.
4. Environmentally driven genetic modifications? Hypothetically again, there might be a possibility of
genetically modified organisms changed by interaction with the concoction of substances.
5. Acids: Remember that acid breaks down metals into other substances and these in turn might mix
with yet other elements and compounds causing both known and unknown problems
Effects of Inorganic and Organic Acids on Heavy Metals; Leaching in Contaminated Sediment
6. Salts: Salts can change the nature of barriers in living things. How do salts and acids impact a toxic
compound’s tendency to leak through cell barriers or weaken plant/animal life resistance to
disease/poisons? Salts along highways to control ice in winter are known to impact trees like
ponderosas; Flagstaff, Arizona’s experience of long stretches of dead yellow trees along its major roads
is a good example - but this is only a simple example because heavy metals in the form of salts are more
dangerous, complex and long-lasting in the environment.
Excerpt from Wildlife Utah:
Since there is no outlet, heavy metals, often in the form of inorganic soluble salts, accumulate. Heavy
metals end up in streams from weathering, mining, milling, and refining of surrounding mountains. If
concentrations of these heavy metals persist, they could become toxic to life forms. It is actually
currently unknown how much or little the heavy metals in the GSL are impacting the ecosystem.
7. Heavy metals:
Subdivisions of Heavy Metal Poisoning
Aluminum Poisoning
Antimony Poisoning
Arsenic Poisoning
Barium Poisoning
Bismuth Poisoning
Cadmium Poisoning
Chromium Poisoning
Cobalt Poisoning
Copper Poisoning
Gold Poisoning
8. Arsenic: everyone knows how deadly arsenic is but how much is too much and how likely is it to seep
into ground water and wells in strengths sufficient to cause problems?
9 Radiation? Any Uranium or related waste in this mess? Radium?
10. Fumes? How likely is breathing the fumes from the stew likely to cause health problems? Although
more concentrated fluids are probably more dangerous to breathe, at what point is breathing any
portion of the stew dangerous, especially if harmful microscopic organisms are present? Although
probably not a problem in this situation, just think about how breathing chlorine gas can be dangerous.
Staying out of the contaminated water alone might not be the final answer; staying away from
breathing fumes (whether they can be smelled or not) might also be an issue. Since the stew might have
uncertain characteristics, we should not assume anything without a full chemical breakdown.
11. Water Purification: Filtering devices for water: how effective against the more dangerous
substances and what are the chances for inadequate testing of all possible contaminants?
Colorado health department: Durango can start treating Animas water, dispersing to customers
KOB conducting independent water testing as EPA asks for NM's help 8/11/2015
Excerpt: New Mexico is taking it upon itself to test the water in our state, and some Navajo Nation
officials are asking the federal government for independent testing there, saying they don't trust what
the EPA is telling them.
Since not everyone trusts what the EPA is telling them, KOB has decided to get the water tested
ourselves, hiring an independent lab to analyze water we've collected from the Animas.
Mary Miles is like anyone else who lives along the river – scared. Not just of what's floating in her well
water, but of how little she's heard from the EPA.
NDTV: Toxic Spill From Colorado Mine Creeps Through US Southwest 8/12/2015
Colorado’s Silverton, Durango, and vicinity; New Mexico’s Aztec, Farmington and vicinity:
Video clip, says mine last operated in 1923; state of local emergency for Durango and La Plata
9 News: has a strong level of information not found elsewhere in one place and a video news clip
Common Dreams: EPA Causes Massive Mine Waste Spill Turns River Orange
Denver Post
Huge Highly Toxic EPA Caused Mine Spill Into Durango, Colorado’s Animas RIver (photo above is earlier
version of river) and Beyond - Denver Post
Durango Herald: Huge Water Contamination Problem Southwest Colorado, Northwest New Mexico and
Beyond:: Toxic EPA Caused Animas River Spill - Durango Herald
CPR Colorado Public Radio - good photographs and background info on mine’s waste area
Mining Health Hazards
During Mining and After
Water Testing - Click here or See Resources Section - Water- Water Testing in this website. This list is
being edited and updated 8/12/2015